Using the NoSMS App
To use the NoSMS App (for iOS or Android) you will need an invitation from
an organisation that is using NoSMS as a way to communicate.
NoSMS is a one-way messaging service.
Once you have received your invitation, if you have not already done so:
- Download NoSMS from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store (both are free)
- Create a free account for yourself
If you were given a QR code to scan by your organisation, tap "Scan QR Code".
- Grant camera permissions to NoSMS when prompted
- Scan the QR code
- Select the subscriptions you want to receive messages for
If you were given registration codes, tap "Manual Registration".
- Enter the Organisation Code, Invitation Code and Confirm Code into the boxes provided
- You can paste the Invitation Code from your clipboard by tapping "Paste Code From Clipboard"
- Tap "Register"
- Select the subscriptions you want to receive messages for
Creating your account
Creating an account allows you to tie your subscriptions together securely so you can use NoSMS on more than one device. We
need your email address and a strong password to create your account. Your email address is stored encrypted in our
database, it is not shared with any 3rd party, including the organisations you subscribe to. We do not use
your email address for any other purpose other than security relating to your NoSMS account.
- On the Login screen tap "Create Account (Free)"
- Enter your Email Address
- Enter and then re-enter a strong password. Your password must contain at least one [A..Z], [a..z], [0..9],
and [symbol] and be at least 12 characters long. A strong password is for your protection and to keep your
messages and account secure and private
- Tap "Create Account"
- We will send you an email containing a code to verify the ownership of the email address provided
- Enter the code from your email
- Tap "Verify Email Address"
- Login to your account with your Email Address and password
Logging in
If you have created a NoSMS account you can login to NoSMS on any device. Your subscriptions will become active on
that device, and any messages still on the NoSMS server will be downloaded to the device (see Message Retention below).
- Enter your Email Address
- Enter your Password
- Tap "Login"
- If you're forgotten your password, tap "Forgotten Password"
Resetting your password
If you've forgotten your password, from the Login screen, tap "Forgotten Password"
- Enter your Email Address
- Tap "Request Password Reset"
- Enter the Password Reset Code sent to your email address
- Enter and then re-enter a strong password. Your password must contain at least one [A..Z], [a..z], [0..9],
and [symbol] and be at least 12 characters long. A strong password is for your protection and to keep your
messages and account secure and private
- Tap "Reset Password" to change your password
- Tap "Cancel" if you change your mind
Changing your password
It's a good practice to change passwords occasionally, or if you think your password has been compromised.
- From the main NoSMS App menu, tap "Change Password"
- Enter your old password
- Enter and then re-enter a strong password. Your password must contain at least one [A..Z], [a..z], [0..9],
and [symbol] and be at least 12 characters long. A strong password is for your protection and to keep your
messages and account secure and private
- Tap "Change Password" to change your password
Deleting your account
We'd be sorry to see you go, but you can delete your NoSMS account at any time. This cannot be undone.
Deleting your account is permanent, and will remove all your messages from our server and your device.
Logout on any other devices you may own.
- From the main NoSMS App menu, tap "Settings"
- On the Settings page tap "Delete Account"
- Enter your Password to confirm
- Tap "Delete Account"
Message retention
We only keep messages on our server for 30 days, they are automatically expunged after 30 days.
If you delete a message on any device then it will also be deleted from our server, and none of your other
devices will be able to download it.
There is a setting under "Settings" you can toggle on which will cause messages to be immediately
expunged from the NoSMS server as soon as they are downloaded to one of your devices. This means that
messages will be grabbed on first-come-first-serve basis by your devices. We only recommend using this option
if you plan to use NoSMS with only one device.
Reading your messages
- From the main NoSMS App menu, tap "Messages"
- New messages are bordered in red and shown at the top of the list
- Messages are ordered newest to oldest
- Tap the Trashcan icon to delete a message. This will remove it from your device and from the NoSMS server
- Tap the Clipboard icon to copy a message to your clipboard
- Pull down hard at the top of the list to force a refresh
- Messages containing https:// links will offer you a tap-able version of each link under the message.
Only tap links from organisations you trust, which link to sites you trust. Property Marvel Limited is
in no way responsible for the content of messages, or the links they contain. You tap links at your own
We have strict standards governing the contents of messages sent via NoSMS. If you think a message you receive
is in any way illegal or offensive, please take a screenshot and send it to
along with the name of the organisation which sent it. Organisations found to be breaking our standards
will be removed from the platform.
Managing your subscriptions
You have full control over which messages you will receive.
- From the main NoSMS App menu, tap "Settings"
- Tap the organisation you want to manage
- Toggle the subscriptions you want messages from on/off