It is expensive for organisations to send messages to their staff, members or customers by SMS.
All the major messaging apps are too expensive, too complicated or don't have APIs.
NoSMS provides a simple, light-weight, free, subscription-based App
(for iOS and Android) that allows you to send messages
to your subscribers through our API.
How it works
1. Register your organisation and recieve an API key
2. Register your target audience via our API
3. Send your users invitations to install NoSMS on their device, providing the invitation or QR codes supplied by our API
4. Once a user installs NoSMS, and connects using the invitation, they can start recieving your messages
5. Use our API to send messages to your individual subscribers
Can I get it?
NoSMS is in beta-testing at the moment - so, by all means use it internally in your organisation, we would welcome
feedback on any bugs / feature requests. It's not quite ready for production yet.
What does it cost?
The App will always be FREE. The NoSMS API is currently free. Our long-term intention is to offer the service at a considerably
lower cost than sending text messages - after all, that's the whole point of NoSMS. So, please plan for a future small,
reasonable charge for using the service before investing heavily in an integration.